Student Disability Commission

Events and Meetings Accessibility

When planning an event or meeting, it’s important to keep this question in mind: Can EVERYONE access this? 

*Asterisk highlights the points that you need to use when putting on a fully remote (online) event


☐ Use the microphone if one is available (even if you think your voice is loud enough!)

☐ If there is a Q&A section, make sure everyone who speaks either has a microphone or their question is repeated into the microphone

☐ *Ensure all sound equipment is high quality, clear, and volume adjustable 

☐ *For larger events, get ASL interpreters and/or CART captioning (must be requested 10 days in advance from UW Disability Services Office)

☐ *Talk clearly and slowly, spell out unusual names and words for CART captioners/ASL interpreters

☐ *If possible, use instant captioning (available through Microsoft Powerpoint and Zoom!) 

☐  *If event is recorded, make sure the recording either has captions or a transcript (if using automated captions make sure to edit for accuracy and sync to audio!)

☐ *If there is a video playing during the event, add captions 

☐ If available, advertise assistive listening systems (HUB has them for all rooms!) 


☐ Ensure all paper materials are also available in large-print and braille formats (whenever applicable)

☐ *If there’s a slideshow, audibly describe any images and read any text that’s on the screen 

☐ *If using visual aids (slideshow, poster, etc.) make it easy-to-read (large bold text with high contrast) 

Mobility-aid friendly space

☐ Furniture is spread out enough to ensure a wheelchair can navigate the space easily 

☐ Building is accessible (push-button doors, accessible bathrooms, ramps, functioning elevators, clear signage, accessible parking nearby, etc.) 

☐ No hazards on the floor (things laying around, loose cords, etc.) 

☐ If the accessible pathway TO the building is not clear, include instructions when advertising for the event (ex- on the FB event page) 

☐ Don’t utilize rooms where furniture is fixed (ex- desks attached to the floor), make it more difficult to change up floor plan for accessibility if needed 

☐ Ensure accessible seating is available (space for wheelchair user to go and still be meaningfully included, NOT just in the corner of the room) 

Remote Access

☐ *Live-stream the event for anyone who cannot be physically present (Zoom, Skype, FB live, etc.) 

☐ *Record the event and make it available online afterwards for asynchronous access (transcript too!)

☐ *Ensure that recording/live-stream still includes clear visuals and audio (may require a camera and/or mic depending on room setup)


☐ Make straws, napkins, plates, cups, and silverware available (compostable if possible! Sustainability is great!)

☐ Include ingredient labels on all foods (allergen information)

☐ Include gluten-free and vegan options whenever possible

☐ Select food that doesn’t have common allergens (ex- peanuts) 


☐ Scent sensitive policy (ask that guests DO NOT use scented products during the event, make unscented soaps/hand sanitizer available near the entrance)

☐ *Include accessibility information when advertising the event (ex- CART captioning available, scent-sensitive policy, mobility-aid friendly space! But be honest about the level of accessibility.)

☐ If possible, offer alternative “quiet” spaces, particularly when event is high-stimulation 

☐ *Make it clear who to approach if anyone has accessibility needs that are not already being met 

☐ *If event is longer, account for break times 

☐ Whenever possible, make gender-neutral bathrooms available 

☐ *Use nametags with pronouns (large, clear text). If remote, add pronouns to ‘name’ on Zoom. 

☐ Adjust the temperature in the space so it’s comfortable for as many people as possible  

☐ Don’t plan events for late at night after public transportation has stopped

☐ *Stick to the advertised start and end times as much as possible 

☐ *Include trigger warnings for any potentially triggering content  

☐ If applicable, provide child-friendly activities and advertise events as child-friendly  

☐ *Ensure all event staff/volunteers are clear on procedures for accessibility (including who to go to if there are any accessibility related requests/questions)

☐ *Have other language interpretation available whenever applicable 

☐ *Use Image Descriptions/Alt text when advertising event online 

This resource was produced by the ASUW Office of Inclusive Design. If you need any additional support or have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact us at